Sunday, January 17, 2010

This picture describes the internal battle that each mythical creator had to endure. The darkness off to the left represents defeat or pain, the right side is clear representing triumph, and the sun shining through is creator’s reactions to these internal endeavors
In the Iroquois mythical creation Enigorio (the good mind) portrays this image. The darkness on the left represents Enigorio’s brother Enigonhahetgea (the bad mind). His brother caused him a lot of setbacks and grief for he was trying to destroy his creation. The clear side represents the good minds successful creation of earth. Last, the sun shining through was Enigorio’s reaction to his brother’s protest; he agreed to fight till the death for triumph.

In the Pima mythical creation Juhwertamahkai ( doctor of the earth) portrays the image above. The darkness represents the internal battle he had faced from the failure of mankind. The clear side is the accomplishments he had made throughout the myth. Last, the sun represents his determination to create a mankind that would be expectable for his standers.

In the Biblical mythical creation God portrays the image above. The darkness represents the serpent deceiving Adam and Eve which forced God to punish the three of them. The clear side of the image represents the creation of earth making God feel good about his work. Last, the sun gleaming through was God’s decision to punish the fools who disobeyed his one and only rule.


  1. I like the picture you choose. It really fits what you wrote in your post about the good and evil. On the left it looks like a blank place that has not been touched by a creator and coming from the right looks like a creator placing trees on the landscape. It kind of looks like a blank canvas and a painter is painting a picture of earth. It looks like he started the painting on the right and is moving to the left to finish the picture. This picture fits what you put in your post. When looking at it as a good and evil separation, there’s clearly a solid line separating the two. Great picture!

  2. I really like this picture. It's very original. I like how you illustrated the picure to conform to every creation story we've been discussing. You were very detailed in how the picture represents every story. What was really interesting to me is that you discussed the inner struggle and how that came out in the stories. I didn't really pay attention to the inner struggles until this brought it to my attention. In the Pima story it took Juhwertamahkai a few times to make creation and I didn't think about his inner struggles with it. I think everyone can agree that there was definitely a good vs. evil commonality in all the stories. Thanks for such an awesome picture!

  3. This picture symbolizes the element you did nicely. This picture was what i originally was going to use. The left side definitely does represent the bad mind and the right side representing the good mind. God simply created the sun, moon, and stars for light. The sun is a good way to show the bright side of things in all three stories. On the left side of your image there seems to be no life which just shows what things could be like if the good mind did not defeat his brother and if juhwertamahkai wouldn't have got through his rough experiences.

  4. Another beautiful picture! The students in this class are good at finding a great image on the Internet. The image of your choice looks like a winter scenery. Where in the world was this photo taken? In Minnesota? I especially like the glimmer of hope, giving in the picture. In fact, life seems to be a repetitive cycle of conflicts and resolutions. The human spirit may grow through such struggles. I believe that we must never lose hope, no matter what happens.

  5. I really like this picture. It represents so many aspects of the stories that we read. I love how it shows the evil and darkness in each story, and the creation of new endeavors. It's really amazing how you can get a story or representation from a image, or picture that was captured. The person that took this picture probably has no idea that their work would be a image that could represent American Literature. Nice choice guys!

  6. This picture does a great job of showing the two conflicting sides of light and dark. The sun's rays are pushing back the darkness just like in the creation stories when the sun was created to light up the darkness. I also like how the side that represents light has the blue sky. It makes it colorful and cheery compared to the gray side that represents the darkness. The blue helps to represent the nature that was created in all of the creation stories following the creation of light.

  7. I think your symbolic analysis here is really good. You talk about all three groups in a coherent way. It's interesting--to me, it almost seems like a winter scene, and normally I think of creation as happening in the springtime. How do you think you'd answer the assertion that springtime should be associated with creation, not winter?

  8. Hey Pls Give the answer of this Question

    there was a doctor of earth who created river people
    but not alone who was the another ?
