Thursday, January 14, 2010

Assignment 1.7 Creation Stories - Connor, Elizabeth C., Anna


The hands in the picture represent the hands of the creators from each of the creation stories. The Earth the hands are holding is what was created. The hands represent God in the Biblical creation, Enigorio or Enigonhahetgea in the Iroquois creation, and Juhwertamankai in the Pima creation.

The Sky Woman in the Iroquois creation story gave birth to the twins, Enigorio and Enigonhahetgea, who are responsible for creation of life on Earth. Enigorio (the good mind) created the sun, moon, stars, creeks, rivers, animals, fish, thunder, water, rain and Eagwehowe (the real people). Enigonhahetgea created the high mountains, great steeps, various reptiles, waterfalls and apes.

In the Pima creation story, Juhwertamankai is responsible for all the creation with the assistance of Nooee. Juhwertamankai (The Doctor of the Earth) created the greasy earth, Greasewood bush, ants, Nooee (the Buzzard), mountains, seed, sun, water, stars and man and woman. Nooee was asked to cut valleys in the mountains so the water would remain on Earth for the people to drink.

In the Biblical creation story there was darkness everywhere until God decided to create light. After that he made the sky, land and rivers, the sun and moon, animals, and then man. In all three creation stories the earth was created and formed by somebody and the hands represent those creators because we use our hands to create many things.


  1. I like that you are representing the idea here of something/someone "larger than the Earth" serving as the creator of it. This is definitely true in all three instances you discuss. However, you also talk about individual aspects of the Earth...which are not present in this particular image. Perhaps you could have chosen an image that showed more of the individualized things that these creators created? It's definitely a provocative image, though.

  2. When I saw the picture you provides, I was very surprised because it is exactly one of the images on websites which I was considering choosing. I think it is a very beautiful photograph. However, I eventually didn’t pick it because the hands in the picture are too realistic and far removed from the picture I created in my mind while reading the stories. Nevertheless, it is likely that our group will provide a similar picture to yours.

  3. I love all the meanings you get from this picture. You can get the meaning of this image without even being told why you picked this picture! All the stories we read were about creation of the Earth and this picture showing the hands cradling the Earth represents it completely. It's so true what you said about how we build everything with our hands. Nice choice of a picture. You guys did a great job.

  4. The picture that you have chosen to use is beautiful. It is emotionally and physiologically deep, in the sense of meaning. When I glanced at the picture your group choose, I felt a great deal of humility and I also felt as though one would be overwhelmed with the responsibilities of having the world (literally) in your hands. The hands that are holding the world can be related to all three readings. I truly enjoyed reading your groups posting

  5. I really like you picture. When I looked at it, I interprited it like you wrote in your post with the hands being the creator and the earth bieng the creation. When I looked at it a second time it kind of reminded me that the creator is in control. Just like in the bible and the pima story the creator has complete control, watches their creation to make sure it's not corrupt and has the ability to destroy it at any time. Great post.

  6. The picture really captures the idea you are communicating. The similarity you chose to discuss, if you don't think hard about it, is easy to miss or take for granted. It might be easy to skip over it and say, well of course the Earth had a creator. But, I'm glad you brought up this point because, it may NOT be that way in every creation story. Also, it may be significant in that each story inspires you to see the world as having a maker and/or protector- someone bigger than the rest of the world, someone with the power to create the world (no small task, I'm sure) and someone to make us all feel small.

  7. I think your picture is good but I am wondering if the hands are only holding the earth, then who is controlling the moon, stars, sun, and so on. I do think it is a good picture and you do explain why you chose it very well. It defiantly makes me feel very small and makes me really think that there is something more to just this life. And if one person created the entire universe, when I die, do I get to create my own!
