Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thomas Jefferson most defined America

Thomas Jefferson most defined America by Amy Bremness
I think Thomas Jefferson was the one whom most define America, as we know it. He did many things that lead up to how we know America. Thomas Jefferson wanted to be remembered by three things “ drafting the Declaration of Independence, writing and supporting the Virginia statue for religious freedom. These all were significant on how we know America today. The Declaration of Independence is what he is most popular for. The Declaration of Independence is very significant to Americas history if we had not have had this signed America would be influenced today by the British parliament. Jefferson believed that America was tolerating a corrupt parliament and king. He wanted these corruptions noted in the Declaration, but congress would not let him. Thomas Jefferson was not happy about Congress excluding other important ideas, such as, the freedom of slaves “He was waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither”(344 Norton). The declaration gave white men the right to bear arms, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. These were big considering in Britain these were rights that were not allowed. Declaration leads to the revolution and many years later freedom of slaves also the right for women to vote. The ideas that were places in this are a first step to many things that had changed and is what we know America to be now. I believe a black president would not have been possible if Thomas Jefferson had not open the idea of slaves having the same rights as all other humans have. The right to his own body and the right to respect and decency.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how the three things that Jefferson wanted to be remembered by were all three fabulous and incredible things for one person to accomplish in a lifetime. Even each thing seperate would be more than most people could handle. The best part about it, though, is how those three things weren't even the extent of his impact on America! He was the President of the United States for one, not to mention many other important events he was part of at the birth of America. I agree with you though, that Jefferson made the most impact, in a way it was a tough choice, but he stood out to me, too.
